Thanks for my friend, Connie, the girls were able to go ice skating for the first time! They loved it so much. The first 30 minutes or so they spent their time hugging the wall as they went around and around. They fell down quite a few times and it was hard to watch. I was so proud of them that they kept getting back up again. They just wouldn't quit!
Connie would try taking them to the middle of the ice. Cristina insisted that she wanted to do it herself! Victoria went with Connie and I'm surprised they both didn't fall. As soon as the lesson was over Victoria was back at the wall. However, when Grace (Connie's daughter) fell Victoria quickly forgot about her fears. She skated over to Grace to make sure she was ok. I was so proud of her! After that Victoria was able to skate by herself. Soon Cristina was able to let go of the wall as well. I'm sure it will only take a few more times and they'll be ready for the Ice Capades or the Olympic team!!
Thank you so much Connie for making their dreams come true! The girls had a blast and they can't wait to go back.
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