Saturday, January 31, 2009

MD Arrival!

Ok this post is actually very late....sorry!

We made it! After many hours of driving, many movies on the DVD player, a number of potty breaks, and a few naps (not for the driver) we finally made it to MD. As we enter my old stomping grounds I always get very quiet. I'm always flooded with memories. Places I used to work and people I used to know and friends I long to see again. As always that quiet moment doesn't last because as I look around I realize how much MD has changed. There are buildings I don't recognize and streets I've never seen before. As much as I miss it I know I can never go back.

Quick question: What do you get when you have three techno geeks together at a social gathering? Silence! Unless they are all able to go into the office armed with a few laptops and a desktop. As soon as the technological equipment came out they all perked up. I have no idea what they were talking about but they had fun.
My sister-in-law, sister and I joked that they were probably on Facebook talking to each other since they weren't doing too much of it before.

One of the things that we have always enjoyed doing as a family is playing games. We have stayed up all night before and have (sort-of) regretted it in the morning. We have already spent MANY hours playing Uno, Phase Ten and Apples to Apples Jr. It is a riot especially when we speak Spanish and English sometimes at the same time! For those that aren't bilingual I can only imagine how funny we sound.

We also went to my brother's house and played Wii. We even convinced my mom and dad! My goodness it was hilarious! They had never played it before and soon my mom and I were laughing so hard we were both crying. We played a game where two gals were each riding a cow and they had to knock over scarecrows and race to the finish line. If anyone has played that game before maybe you can teach me. I still don't have a clue what I was doing. Plus it was extremely difficult to maneuver while I was crying and laughing.

Supper was provided by my nephew, Gabriel. My niece, Caroline, made brownies for desert. Gabriel made home made pizza. Five different varieties! I was not really expecting them to be great but I was pleasantly surprised! He did a fantastic job. I wish I could have eaten more but I'm glad we had a few slices leftover. He even tossed the dough up in the air like a professional pizza chef. I had a lot of fun watching him and so did Cristina. He even gave her a quick lesson. Soon she wanted to try cooking too. So the last pizza Cristina made almost by herself. Unfortunately I haven't been able to try it yet. As the evening progressed Victoria wasn't feeling too well. Soon her condition was bad enough that Michael and I decided to take her to a 24 hour clinic. So we gave her some Motrin and were on our way. It was hard to see her so lethargic and quiet. Typically that is not Victoria's behavior at all! Thankfully she just has a virus and needs cough medicine, rest and plenty of liquids. She is much better but we will be staying in MD longer than we had originally planned. I'm not too disappointed to spend more time with my family but I'm obviously not happy to see Victoria under the weather. I'm sure she'll be better soon and in the meantime maybe we'll get to play Wii again.

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