Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hubby posts one...

OK, Marcie is away at her MOPS convention so I thought I'd help her kick this thing off finally. ;-)
As any MOPS family knows, now through Sunday is the time when Mom gets to go off and play while Dad stays home and plays 'Single Dad'.
The last week has been interesting. Marcie fretting about what she was going to talk about for her presentation she will make, what to pack, which suitcase(s) to use, will she have enough room to shop at the MOPShop, will there be enough room for books, will her suitcase weigh too much for the trip home, how much will she have to pay for over weight baggage, etc...
But we finally got her packed last night and she went to bed around 10:00pm I think it was.
She then got up around 3:00am (I think) and took the little car up to Cedar Rapids and parked in long-term parking as we had planned. She then called and left a message at work to tell me (sort of) where she parked so I could find it when I went to get the car home again.
This morning went well, but I was concerned when Cristina woke up early, made a beeline for our bedroom and proceeded to cry because she missed mommy. ACK! Mommy hadn't been gone for more than 3 hours and our baby was having separation issues! I wasn't sure I could cope with this already! I held her and reassured her that this time would go quickly enough.
Luckily I've done this stint before so I am not completely lost when it comes to getting the girls to school.
I got them up, dressed, fed, lunches packed, teeth brushed, hair brushed, back packs packed and then dropped off at school.
After school they went to the Buser's house until I got off work.
From there, we came home, waited for David to come over so he could come with us to go get the car.
After we got up to the airport and found the car, it wasn't so hard to find after all, all four of us went to the A&W and had supper, my treat.
We came home, David went home, the girls got their PJs on, we read stories, said prayers and off to bed they went.
So now, I'm watching my Bug Bunny DVDs while doing some computer work and writing on my wife's blog. It only took me 4 tries to remember her password!
So, now those of you who want something more on Marcie's blog to read, here you go.
Now it will be her turn to crank something out. Who knows, maybe with pictures?
That may depend on how soon I get us set up with high speed. :-/

God bless to all and to all a good night!


Prachar family said...

Thanks for the update!! I bet I am more up to speed on your day than Marcie is!!

sweetander said...

Way to get the blog going Mike! We've been home from Convention for over a week - tell Marcie I'm dying to hear all about it -- oh, wait -- I was there and know that we had a GREAT time! Let's see some pictures, Marcie! I'm adding you to My Favorites:)

Anonymous said...

Good work Super Dad! Glad all went well there, even if your wife did get to hang with MY sister for several days. I'm not jealous. I'm grateful she has a supportive husband like you to pick up the slack so she can go learn more and help other moms become the moms they were created to be.
love to all the Cihas.