Thursday, October 30, 2008


I was thinking about dreams....or maybe I was dreaming about thinking. I'm not so sure exactly how it goes. Oh yeah I remember now! Curious to know about your dreams. Ever since the MOPS Convention there are some things brewing within my heart. One of them is to write. I think that is why I'm loving to blog. No purpose, no agenda, just full liberty in the written word. Is anyone gifted in grammar? I am working on a writing project that requires serious review. I tend to type the way I talk and I'z don't alwayz speech so goodly. :) Anyone interested? You never know when I become rich and famous I may dedicate my first novel to you! Either that or I'll give you 20% off of my first book.


CihaPet said...

And all of us can say "I knew you when..."

Prachar family said...

JoDee and I both have a knack for grammar...she even more than me since she teaches it every day!
Keep dreaming!!