Saturday, October 18, 2008

5 Things I Hate To Admit

I've been tagged! Thanks Travis! Now I have to bare my soul via this blog? YIKES! 5 things, eh? Well hmmm.....I suppose confession is good for the soul.
Ok #5 - I'm a TV addict. When Without a Trace, Cold Case, Law & Order or the Amazing Race is on I purposely don't answer the phone. My kids better not have a need during that time either. I get very....shall we say...not nice. I don't like missing the opening scenes of any of those shows. I've (somewhat gently) tossed my kids a granola bar so I don't have to actually MAKE them something to eat during that time.
#4 - Clean freaks scare me! Yet some of them are my dearest friends. Sort of a contradiction. I'm FAR from a clean freak. Instead of cleaning a bit at a time I let it go until I get too overwhelmed and then I do nothing. Usually it takes company to come over before I'll actually clean. But then I get irritated at myself and anyone else nearby for letting it get so out of hand. So why do neat freaks scare me? Should be obvious I suppose. But it is because even when my home is clean I know it could be better. I am paranoid I'll be judged or criticized. Or worse they'll want to help. Usually they have far more energy than I do. :)
#3 - I can't stand being late! I don't speed (usually) but I race around the house and barking out orders. On school days I'm sure I've made my girls crazy getting out the door. On church days I'm sure if anyone eavesdropped I sound like a lunatic! Is it worth it? Obviously not but how does one break this habit?
#2 - hehehe Many times I've eavesdropped on conversations in Spanish. I admit I'm nosey. Every once in a while I freak them out by saying something in Spanish much later. Hehe

OK I gotta take a breath here...

#1 - ok the hardest one of all. I hate to admit that when I saw the movie Fireproof tonight (EXCELLENT movie!! A must see) I wanted to be the wife. A victim of her husbands selfish behavior. I wanted my husband to relate to the husband's character. To point out how I have felt sometimes. Well God doesn't usually work like that, right?! As the movie progressed and lost myself in the dialogue and the scenes I realized I'm selfish. I'm the one who has kept a score card. I keep saying I'm not doing that but I know down deep I am. I know I need to take The Love Dare. But, I also hate to admit that I don't want to! I want the results without the work. I'm sure nobody can relate to that.

ok that's enough therapy for one night


The Novotny News said...

WAY TO GO MARCIE!!! I love to keep updated on your blog! Now that you have high-speed...we need PICTURES!! Missing you like all and IOWA like crazy. I hope things are well. Take care and can't wait for your next post:)


Prachar family said...

You did it, isn't it freeing?! Still praying for you!

Marner Family said...

Is seeing Fireproof, like reading "The Power of a Praying Wife"? Gotta love Gods sence of humor! -b

Jenno said...

Marcia Hola!

Aquí hay un poco de español llegando a su forma DFW Texas! Aquí he tenido que aprender un poco de español .... sólo para comprender las vallas y los menús de los restaurantes!
Por lo tanto, estoy terminando mi maestría en trabajo social y tengo que admitir que estoy abrumado sooo de cómo todo se va a hacer, los años de practrice para obtener la licencia clínica ..... el sueño de ... así en este momento yo realmente No sé. JoDee Martin, la hermana de Travis es un buen amigo mío y ha sido el ministerio a mi corazón en un tiempo muy necesario.
Espero que usted, Mike y las chicas lo están haciendo bien !!!:)