Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marine storms local home

Our dear friend Jon (aka Big Jon) came to visit a few weeks ago. He has faithfully served in the Marines. He's been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and has undergone some amazing things. Right now he is stateside but apparently will be sent overseas again in October. The girls know he is their hero. Not because of his military service but because he can carry both of them at once! He lets them climb all over him and tackle him. They adore him! I love the fact that he thought my cooking was great. He has obviously served for far too long! It is hard to imagine him in full marine gear protecting our country when I see him rolling on the floor with the girls.

When the girls were younger they would pray for him almost every night. The prayers were consistent "Dear God I hope Big Jon has fun with his friends at the war." "God, I pray it is a sunny day at the war" Those were the two prayers we said for almost a year. Jon later told us that parts of it were fun (considering the circumstances) and it was hotter than he ever imagined. So their simple prayers were answered! They can't wait for him to return for another visit.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Sap Runneth Over

Almost every post has been about the girls. Well, today I wanted to take a moment to tell all of you about my wonderful husband. Over the last few weeks I've seen him grow in his relationship with the Lord. He has become more aware of the spiritual realm and what it means to lay down your life for Christ's sake. One of those areas has been clearly visible regarding our finances versus my STRONG desire to keep our girls are Heritage Christian School. Michael has really been seeking the face of God and wanting to do what is right. Unfortunately I have not been very supportive. At times I've silently whined and complained. At times I've LOUDLY whined and complained. Through it all Michael has always been available to listen to the cry of my heart. I can't imagine this has been an easy road for him.

I'm slowly realizing that my focus has been out of focus. Even though I continue to passionately love Heritage Christian School, I realize I need to seek God first. My passion for HCS runs deep and I doubt it will ever go way yet God is much bigger than where my kids go to school. He is much stronger than my lack of faith. He is in the center of my heart but I had really lost touch with that. My fear and lack of trust have really caused a lot of stress. There is still hope that our girls will be able to continue at HCS. Yet, today I have let go. I am really willing to trust God with what is most valuable to heart! He isn't going to disappoint me. No matter the outcome He will continue to uphold me and our girls. In the meantime my deepest desire is to glorify Him and to lovingly submit to my husband.

I found this picture of Michael and I back in 1995. It reminded me of simple dreams and hope. When our love for one another was new and fresh. I had a hope of a future with him. Now as I look at that picture I know that those dreams and desires haven't diminished at all. They have grown stronger as the bonds of friendship, trust and love have grown with each passing year. I am not saying the path has been easy but each step has been worth it! Michael has supported and encouraged me through rough physical ailments, surgeries, and crazy emotional drama. I have never doubted his love for me! More importantly, though, he has shown me that no matter what happens God is always for me and NEVER against me. Knowing that brings great peace, comfort and tremendous joy!